Referencing Made Easy By Vancouver Reference Generator

One of the complicated referencing styles making its headway across all academic platforms is the Vancouver reference style. Also widely known as The Vancouver system or the author–number system. It was first introduced in 1978 by editors of medical journals. Its use has progressed with time and now well over 1000 medical journals are promoting the use of the Vancouver style.

With the increase in the usage of the Vancouver style to reference essays and research papers, students’ academic progress is under duress. Citing and then creating a reference list has become an intense challenge. To put an end to this suffering of students, UKAssignmentHelp has come up with a perfect solution: a Vancouver reference generator. With the help of this reference generator, students will never have to worry about blundering their references.

Vancouver Reference Generator

Hassle-Free Vancouver Style Referencing

Students are always challenged by how to reference their work properly. Without a proper guide forgetting the ins and outs of any referencing style is pretty easy. But now all you students can take a deep breath and stop sweating about messing up your reference list and in-text citations. Reference generator Vancouver style will create your reference list for you!

Vancouver Reference Style at Your Fingertips

The Vancouver style is a difficult referencing style and on top of that, the referencing tools provided on many websites are also a real challenge to operate. Getting help should never be a trouble. UKAssignmentHelp value not just your time but also your mental ease. That is why we bring you an easily operated Vancouver style reference generator.


This reference generator is so easy to use that you will just have to put in the type of work being referenced, author name, the title of the research paper, year of publication, journal title, and the page number. And look at that, a perfect reference in Vancouver style. Now there will be no trouble in writing that reference list.

How to Vancouver Reference in the In-Text Citation?

Now that the reference list has been taken care of, make sure not to forget the in-text citations. Without proper in-text citation, your reference list (no matter how good it is) will lose its meaning. But we will guide you on how to Vancouver reference correctly for your text body. With us, you have nothing to worry about because we have all your issues covered.

Important pointers to remember while putting in-text citations.

Number your in-text citations according to the number assigned to them in the reference list.

Write the number in parentheses or as a superscript.

Example: Simon (1) or Simon1

When citing more than one page from a research paper in your text body, use a hyphen to link inclusive numbers.

Example: Simon (15-19)

When citing more than one work at the same place in your text body, use punctuation marks (commas) to divide the references.

Example: coronavirus is increasing and there is no cure of stopping it insight (4, 5, 6)

Always insert the citation number if the author’s name is cited in the text body. Only citing the author’s name is not enough.

For citing more than one author always write et al. after naming the first author. Et al. will represent that this work was not done by on author.

Example: Simon et al. (6)

For citing different work from the same author, use different numbers according to the reference list.

Example: coronavirus is increasing and there is no cure of stopping it insight (6, 9)

No need to put the name of an organization in the in-text citation if they are the author. But it will be cited in the reference list as the author name.

When citing chapters written by different authors in the same book, cite the name of the author not of the editor.

When citing secondary sources (author citing another author’s work in their paper) use the name of both primary and secondary sources.

Example: According to Simon as cited by Oliver et al. (18) coronavirus is increasing and there is no cure for stopping it insight

If writing a direct quote place it in quotation marks and cite the page number it was taken from.

Example: ‘coronavirus is increasing and there is no cure of stopping it’ (p.5)

Now all the tensions and worries will be no more because the Vancouver style referencing generator will not only make sure to generate perfect references for you but the guide of in-text citation will also pave the pathway to referencing become perfect.

You can easily generate references and make your research paper perfect. The biggest perk of this reference generator apart from being an easily operated reference tool is that it is also free of cost. This generator is a Godsend for all the students.

Meanwhile, if you are also stuck in figuring out how to cite APA 6th edition, check out our Foolproof APA Reference Generator, it will take care of all your APA referencing crisis. All your referencing problems will be ending here!


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