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How to Write a Dissertation Proposal? – Complete Guide

How to Write a Dissertation Proposal? – Complete Guide

How to Write a Dissertation Proposal?

Dissertation writing is must be a nightmare for most students. Similarly, writing a dissertation proposal also seems much difficult to the students. The reason is the standards and criteria set by the faculty of the university.

In this blog, we are going to discuss in detail how to write dissertation proposal. Before moving towards the guidelines, let’s have a look at what a dissertation and dissertation proposal actually is. We’ll also explore here the purpose of writing a dissertation proposal and its importance.

What is a Dissertation?

It is a research project that assesses your research and writing skills and intellectual capabilities. It is assigned to the graduate and post-graduate students for the accomplishment of their degrees. In some regions, the term dissertation is used only for the final research done under the PhD degree. In a dissertation, students present their findings in answer to a particular question on which their research is based.

What is Dissertation Proposal?

It is a proposal presented to the professor who is supposed to check your dissertation. It holds the proposed idea and the procedure of research to further proceed with the dissertation. The dissertation proposal is carried out in three steps as mentioned below.

1.     Research

The preliminary research is done on the dissertation topic. This research collets the basic facts related to the topic. Also, important information about the research background is assembled. This helps you form a concrete problem statement.

3.     Approval

Finally, the dissertation proposal is submitted to the professor for approval. Without being approved in the dissertation proposal, you cannot start with your final dissertation.

Why Dissertation Proposal is Important?

A dissertation proposal is important for the following reasons.

Presents your Idea

The dissertation proposal put forward the idea that you have in your mind about the topic. A detailed explanation of the idea makes your dissertation more comprehensive.

Evaluates the Problem

The dissertation proposal raised an unanswered question. Its possible solution is later on found in the dissertation under the light of research findings. It makes your study purposeful.

Highlights your Area of Focus

Without determining the area of focus no one can do a dissertation. A dissertation proposal helps you mark the area of the subject you’re going to cover.

Structure of a Good Dissertation Proposal

The structure of a dissertation proposal should be perfect enough to compel your professor. You can hire our dissertation writing service to make your proposal impressive in terms of structure. Perfection is needed the most to give your dissertation proposal a professional look. A good structure for the dissertation proposal follows the following pattern.

–        Background/context

The background of the research comes second in the introduction. It holds a comprehensive account of why this topic is important. Further, it tells how it has been addressed in history. Also, it is made clear why it is problematic and worthy to be resolved.

–        Research Questions

The quantity of the research question is not fixed. It is totally your own choice how many questions you create to answer in your dissertation. But you must prepare the research questions wisely. Your questions should cover all the important aspects of the topics.

–        Research Methodology

Then the prosed research methodology is mentioned. You tell the reader whether you are going to carry out qualitative or quantitative research. Moreover, you also have to specify the research tools you will use to collect the data.

–        References

At the end of the dissertation, you must give the references of the used sources. The required referencing style is followed. Without proper referencing the content is considered to be plagiarized.

How to Write Dissertation Proposal?

A detailed guide for writing a dissertation proposal is given below.

1.     Mind Map your Idea

You must be thinking right now about how I should begin to write my dissertation. So, you should first prepare the mind map. Assemble all the ideas on a paper and circle the most relevant points to focus on in research.

1.    Form the Research Questions

The Research questions should be comprehensive and comprise all the major points. Although it’s your choice how many questions you want to add but try to keep it 10 questions max. More questions can complicate your research and findings.

–        Use Credible Sources for Research

The credibility of the sources is the most essential component of the literature review. You should not use an unauthentic website to collect the literature.

3.    Propose a Methodology

Now you should write the method that you have used in your initial research. Also, you should determine whether you are going to use the same research method for the further proceedings of the dissertation. You must share a complete research plan.

5.    Prepare Bibliography

The bibliography includes all the sources that have been used in the dissertation proposal. Also, the sources that are supposed to be used further in the main dissertation are referred to. A bibliography consists of three sections.

·         Works to be cited

In this section, you add the references of the sources that will be used. These are sources that you choose to use in writing a dissertation. You should be sure about these sources because you must have to cite them in the dissertation.

·         Works Consulted

In this section, those sources are referred to that you find useful during your research. These sources are not assured to be cited but are under consideration.

How We Can Help You in Writing Dissertation Proposal?

UK Assignment Help assist the students who can’t do their dissertation proposal due to any reason. We have highly qualified and experience writers and proofreaders to provide you with a flawless dissertation proposal. Our expertise includes:

Dissertation Proofreading and Editing

Our experienced editors and proofreaders know all tricks and techniques to remove all flaws from your content. They can help you make your dissertation perfect by all means.

Non-Plagiarized Content

We provide 100% plagiarism-free content to assure quality. Our expert writers are proficient in writing original and error-free content for your dissertation proposal.


You may think why I pay someone to write my dissertation when the above-mentioned guidelines are useful enough. The answer is that even with dense knowledge, not everyone can write like a pro. Also, in case of any emergency, paying someone to get done with your take will be a wise option.

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